Lowering the Water Level of the Pool:
- Turn pump off
- Turn multi-valve to Waste
- Turn pump back on and watch pool until desired water level is achieved
- Turn pump back off
- Turn multi-valve back to filter mode
- Turn pump back on. You have completed this process
You may also have a pool full of leaves and limbs after the storm, so here's another copy of how to vaccuum: Vacuuming Pool: When above average amounts of dust/dirt/and debris in pool. Beginning in filter mode.
- Turn pump off
- Remove skimmer lid, place skimmer vacuum plate on hose and place in skimmer
- Attach vacuum head and telescoping pole to other end of hose, and place in pool
- Turn valve to waste and then turn pump on
- Vacuum pool sides and bottom to remove debris
- When complete, turn back off
- Remove hose from skimmer and vacuum assembly from pool
- Turn valve to Backwash
- Turn pump back on
- Watch viewing bulb for water to clear (1 to 2 minutes)
- When clear, turn pump back off
- Turn valve to Rinse and turn pump back on
- Run until viewing bulb clear (usually 30 seconds to 1 minute)
- When clear, turn pump back off
- Turn valve to Filter and turn pump back on. You have completed this process.
Backwashing your filter (after you vaccuum):
- Turn pump off
- Turn valve to Backwash
- Turn pump back on
- Watch viewing bulb for water to clear (1 to 2 minutes)
- When clear, turn pump back off
- Turn valve to Rinse and then turn pump back on
- Watch viewing bulb until water is clear (usually 30 seconds to 1 minute)
- When clear, turn pump off
- Turn valve to filter and then turn pump back on, you have completed this process
You have now taken water out of pool during this process; depending on how much debris you had to remove, you may need to add water back to pool.
All the rain can throw off the chemical composition of your water, so come in to the office for a FREE water test and anything you need to get the pool ready to swim again.